

Any AACC credit or noncredit student who has a MyAACC用户名和密码 is encouraged to complete an application for scholarships. 记得填写 FAFSA 和 watch your MyAACC student email account for further instructions about your application.

开始吧, select the year you wish to apply for 和 use your AACC username 和 password as a single sign-on to access the application.



慷慨的捐赠者通过捐赠来支持奖学金 最全菠菜网院基金会有限公司. AACC's credit students can apply for these scholarships by completing just one online application.


  • 确保你已经完成了一个 FAFSA.
  • 确保你已经完成了AACC的入学申请.
  • 如果你是最近的高中毕业生,将你的最终高中成绩单提交到 AACC的记录和注册办公室.
  • 如果你要转到AACC, submit your official college transcript(s) from all previous colleges you 有 attended to AACC的记录和注册办公室. Official transcripts must be received in a sealed envelope within one year of the date the transcript was printed. 
  • 访问 AACC奖学金门户 要完成申请.


奖学金适用于一些非学分项目,这些项目可以获得a 劳动培训证书. AACC基金会奖学金, 大学奖学金和马里兰奖学金均可申请.

要申请这些奖学金,你必须填写CEWD奖学金申请表. 此外,我们强烈建议您完成FAFSA. 访问 AACC奖学金门户 ,以填写环保署奖学金申请表格.

如果有任何问题,请发邮件 finaidscholarships@hcbaskets.net



访问 AACC奖学金门户 要完成申请.


  • 如果你现在 a MyAACC用户名和密码, 您可以在注册课程之前完成申请.
  • 如果你 没有 一个MyAACC用户名和密码,你必须先注册课程. You will be able to create a temporary username 和 password at the time of registration, 和 your official username 和 password will be emailed to you within an hour of your registration. 然后你就可以完成AACC基金会奖学金申请.



注册非学分课程网页 并按照下面的说明 如何注册非学分课程.

  1. 是时候选择付款方式了, select other methods 和 then use the drop-down menu to select AACC Scholarship (Requires Scholarship Award Notice). 通读致谢,并检查您是否可以证明项目符号列表.
  2. 单击continue checkout,就完成了. 您将看到您的注册确认/通知. 你不需要上传任何文档. 助学金办公室将直接将奖学金信息发送给教育发展中心.


In addition to completing the scholarship application, you are highly encouraged to complete a FAFSA

一定要把AACC列为你的学校之一 AACC联邦学校代码002058.

AACC does 不 require financial documents related to verification of income to be submitted for students applying only for CEWD Institutional scholarships. 你可能会被要求提供证明你的公民身份的文件.

如果您对财务援助办公室提出的请求有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件 finaidscholarships@hcbaskets.net



To apply for these scholarships, you must complete the AACC Foundation Scholarship Application. 一旦完成, the applications for these specific programs will be made available to potentially eligible c和idates.

除了奖学金, 这些项目提供指导, internship opportunities 和 other 资源 for students who receive these scholarships.



你是一个有抱负的企业家吗? 菲利普E号. 和卡罗尔·R. Ratcliffe 创业研究 Scholarship program includes an 创业研究 Scholarship, 实习奖学金, 小企业主奖学金和种子基金奖.

了解更多关于菲利普E. 卡罗尔·R. 拉特克利夫奖学金.

任何学分或非学分的AACC学生, 不管他们的研究领域是什么, 可以利用的服务和资源 创业研究所 项目和奖学金.  


To develop emerging leaders in global 和 national security from underrepresented groups 和 backgrounds, the Pallas Foundation has created a new scholarship program in homel和 security for AACC students.

了解更多关于帕拉斯基金会的Adm. 迈克·马伦国家安全领导奖学金.


的 Crosby 市场营销 Scholars Program creates greater opportunities for underrepresented students from diverse backgrounds to pursue degrees 和 future careers in the advertising 和 public relations fields.



AACC宣布了一项新的经销商培训奖学金,Live! 赌场 & 酒店奖学金,为符合条件的新生提供全额学费奖学金.

了解更多关于Live的信息! 赌场 & 酒店奖学金.


AACC is committed to enhancing programs 和 services for students who are the first in their families to attend college, 谁需要为在大学水平的课程中取得成功打下基础, 低收入者或少数族裔, 以达到他们的学术目标. One of the objectives of Student Achievement 和 Success Program (SASP) is to enhance student success by identifying SASP students who meet the eligibility requirements 和 award them an incentive scholarship.




Eligible AACPS students who take classes while in high school will no longer be charged 学杂费. Eligible AACPS affiliated home-schooled students or students that attend a partnering private school can take classes at a 25% discount.

进一步了解我们的 早期大学入学计划 和 支付课程费用.


Students who wish to be considered for state aid must submit the FAFSA by 3月1日 each year.

了解更多关于 马里兰州的助学金和奖学金. 

爱德华·T. 和玛丽A. 康罗伊纪念奖学金项目

申请爱德华T. 和玛丽A. 康罗伊纪念奖学金项目,使用 AACC奖学金门户. 的 purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to certain students due to their eligible military or public safety service, 或者他们与这个人的家庭或婚姻关系. 



的 Maryl和 Higher Education Commission (MHEC) will begin evaluating information provided on the FAFSA or MSFAA after 3月1日. 电子邮件将直接从MHEC发送给您. Meeting all required deadlines is important to help secure any MHEC grants 和 scholarships.

  1. 创建一个mdcaps帐户

的 Maryl和 College Aid Processing System (MDCAPS) is the online system used for students to view the status of their potential state grants. 要访问该系统,必须通过访问 MDCAPS网站

Once your account has been created you can view all required outst和ing documents under Check Your Application Status. All documents must be submitted to MHEC by the required deadline as stated in the instructions.


  • MHEC strongly advises you to submit all requested documentation as soon as you receive the first 不ification.
  • 定期检查您的MDCAPS帐户以查看任何更改, MHEC未收到的其他文件或文件.
  • Review each form to ensure all documents are completed accurately 和 all forms are completed in accordance with instructions outlined on the form.
  • MHEC至少需要14个工作日来处理提交的文件.
  • MSFAA申请人可能看不到MDCAPS要求的未完成文件, 然而, 他们将被通知MHEC所需的所有文件.

3. 如果获奖,你必须接受你的奖项

当MHEC授予你助学金或奖学金时,他们会通知你. 如果你没有在MDCAPS规定的时间内接受奖励, 该奖项将被取消  恢复.

MHEC 和 the AACC financial aid office are in constant communication with updates 和 changes to awards throughout the school year.

助学金将在课程开始日期之后发放, 截止日期和出席后已确认. You also must meet all eligibility requirements as 不ified by our office 和 the specific requirements for each award offer.


如果你打算转到四年制的学校, 你可能有资格申请几种转学奖学金. 如果你马上要转到另一所学校, contact your new school’s financial aid 和/or admissions office to learn what scholarships they may offer. 确保除了你计划申请的任何奖学金外,你还完成了FAFSA.



有很多钱可以帮助学生在大学里寻求帮助, 但这取决于你, 学生, 找到并申请它. Start your scholarship search early 和 be aware of application requirements 和 deadlines. 和朋友和家人谈谈. 联系当地的俱乐部和社区组织. 学习如何 发现潜在的欺诈和身份盗窃. 您可以从下面的资源开始.

取决于奖励的类型和金额, "need-based" aid may 有 to be adjusted if a student receives additional outside scholarships.




如果你被选中获得AACC奖学金, 您的MyAACC学生邮箱将收到邮件通知.


Helplink格兰特 还有其他可用的 资源 为处于危机中的学生.