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你有兴趣在美国发展事业吗.S. 还在上大学的时候就参军了? If so, then participating in a Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program may be the right fit for you. 或者,你在考虑参军吗? AACC can help connect you with a local ROTC program or branch recruiter.


This checklist is a step-by-step guide to the admissions and enrollment process at AACC. We want to help you begin your studies without delay or complications. 

1. 申请进入AACC.

要申请,请在我们的网站上完成在线申请 申请和注册页面

2. 激活您的MyAACC帐户.

您需要您的7位AACC识别码, 分配的用户名和唯一的安全码, which can be found in an email sent to you when you initially applied to AACC. 欲知详情,请浏览 密码管理界面.

3. 提交所有正式成绩单.

Send all official, 密封高中, college and credit exam transcripts to AACC’s Records Office, 学院公园道101号, Arnold, MD 21012 or to

4. Attend orientation

Online orientation can be accessed at any time from a desktop computer or mobile device with internet access by visiting our Orientation page. You will also receive an invitation to participate in our next Military/Veteran Newcomer’s Briefing live session, an optional event that will provide you with more specific information about college services for military and veteran students and their families.

5. 安排个人咨询预约.

There are options for your academic advising experience, 你可以选择其中一个或两个选项!

You can schedule an appointment with a field of interest academic advisor 这与你选择的专业有关.

You can also schedule an appointment with a military/veteran academic advisor that specializes in working with military-connected students.

During your advising appointment, you can discuss the following:

6. 与招聘人员见面.

联系并安排一个约会 后备军官训练队计划或军事分支 你最感兴趣的. 

7. Check-in with the 军事/退伍军人资源中心.

Meet our team of military/veteran peer counselors and academic advisors who will stay by your side throughout your time at AACC.

The MVRC 设有一个名为“地堡”的休息室。, a comfortable space where military/veteran students can listen to music, watch TV or movies and just wind down after a busy day. Fresh coffee, 这里有冰水和小吃, so you can stop by between classes to reenergize and socialize. 


Whether you're looking to enter the Reserve Officers' Training Corps or meet with a recruiter from one of the U.S. 武装部队分支,我们可以提供帮助.   


The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) provides an opportunity for students to earn a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force or Army while completing their college degree requirements. 

AACC participates in a cross-town agreement with the University of Maryland, College Park, 和鲍伊州立大学. AACC students must be full time and in good academic standing to participate. AACC will apply up to 8 credits of ROTC classes taken at other colleges toward an AACC associate degree.

有关资格的资料, procedures and possible scholarship opportunities, contact the specific school and branch listed below:

University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), Air Force

University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), Army






You have a variety of options when it comes to paying for your education. We can help identify your options and maximize their impact. 这里有几个可以考虑的选择.


Complete the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) for Pell Grant, student loan and Federal Work-Study eligibility. AACC的联邦学校守则是002058.

AACC Scholarships

Apply for AACC institutional scholarships by visiting our 财政援助及奖学金网页.

Maryland State Grants, Scholarships and Loan Assistance

The Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) at the 马里兰州高等教育委员会(MHEC) 提供一些州补助金, scholarships and loan assistance repayment programs for eligible Maryland residents. 了解更多关于MHEC的经济援助计划.


You can perform your best, inside and outside the classroom, when you feel healthy and secure. Your overall health and well-being are vital components to academic and professional success. We have compiled a list of resources that offer a variety of assistance to service members, 退伍军人及其家属.


Success at AACC

一旦你进入AACC,我们希望你成功! Here are a few tips to help you achieve your academic and personal goals. 


  • 申请远程学习图书证. The Truxal Library staff will email you a library card number once your application is processed. This number will grant you access to online databases and other library services. Sign up using the 申请图书证
  • Purchase textbooks and other course materials online at the AACC书店的网站
  • Stay informed about campus alerts and closings via AACC’s text messaging system, Omnilert. Sign up on the 校园提醒页面.
  • 熟悉校园. Make sure you know in advance where your classes will meet as well as your parking options. Check out 校园位置和地图.
  • Review 学院和学术政策.
  • Review the academic calendar 假期和大学假期的时间表.
  • Learn about 可用的技术 on campus.


To learn more about each of these services, visit the 学生资源页面.

  • Receive essential academic advising by contacting the 军事/退伍军人资源中心 or academic advising.
  • Benefit from enhanced advising, goal setting, scholarship opportunities and more by joining the 学生成就和成功计划 (SASP).
  • Seek a tutor for assistance with writing, mathematics and other subjects.
  • Request an academic accommodation if you have a documented disability by contacting 残疾支援服务 (DSS).
  • Speak with a librarian or reference technician for assistance with research projects. 你的学生证也是你的借书证.

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