
I. 目的

A. The purpose of this 雇员申诉听证程序 (“Hearing Procedure”) is to implement the 员工申诉政策 (“Policy”) of Anne Arundel 社区 College (“College”) and 员工申诉程序 (“Grievance Procedure”) by providing a generally applicable and orderly process, which incorporates appropriate due process standards and provides for the prompt resolution of Grievances at the College.

B. This Procedure sets forth the process to conduct a hearing of an 员工的不满 during Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure.

II. 适用范围及适用性

A. This Hearing Procedure applies to any appeal to Step 2 of the Formal Grievance Process under the Grievance Procedure.

B. 本听证程序不适用于学生申诉.

C. 在某种程度上,学院手册与本程序相冲突, 本程序取代学院手册.

3. 定义

All capitalized terms in this Hearing Procedure have the meanings provided in the Policy and the Grievance Procedure.

IV. 证人及证据名单

A. 至少在听证会前五(5)个工作日, 每一缔约方应向CCFPO或其指定人员提供下列书面清单:

1. Any witnesses that the Party intends to call at the Hearing and a short summary of the likely testimony for each witness; and

2. Any 文档 and other evidence that the Party intends to present at the Hearing and a copy of the document or evidence.

B. 在收到, the CCFPO will provide a copy of the witness and evidence list to the other Party and to the Hearing Officer and Hearing Board.

C. 如果一方在截止日期前未向CCFPO或指定人员提交证人和证据清单, CCFPO会通知听证主任.

D. Character witnesses and other witnesses who did not personally observe or have information relevant to the allegations in the Notice will not be permitted to testify at the Hearing and will be excluded by the Hearing Officer.

E. 聆讯主任, 根据听证官的自由裁量权或一方当事人的要求, 可否与当事各方举行听证前会议, 他们的顾问, 聆讯委员会成员, and the CCFPO or designee to review the Hearing Procedures and any issues with the witness or evidence lists in advance of a Hearing. A member of General Counsel’s office may also attend a pre-hearing conference to advise the Hearing Officer regarding the Policy, 员工申诉程序, 及申诉聆讯程序. 总法律顾问不代表任何一方出席听证会前会议, and the Hearing Officer will make a statement at the beginning of the pre-hearing conference to explain that General Counsel does not represent either Party.

V. 一般聆讯程序

A. 听证会将以电子方式举行. 如果一方或多方要求以另一种形式举行听证会, 比如当面, the Hearing Officer will notify the other Party or Parties prior to making a final decision regarding the format. 如果听证主任决定使用另一种格式, 听证会主任将通知CCFPO或其指定人员安排听证会.

1. 如果原告, 被调查者, 或证人在聆讯当日无法到场, the individual must notify the CCFPO or designee via email at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Hearing date and must provide the reasons that the individual is not available.

2. 如果CCFPO或指定人员发现有正当理由, CCFPO或指定人员可以重新安排听证会日期.

3. 如任何一方未能出席听证会, 听证会将在当事人不参加的情况下进行, 除非党有充分的理由不出席, 由CCFPO或指定人员决定.

B. 聆讯将不对与申诉没有直接关系的个人开放.

1. 只有听证委员会成员, 申诉人的, 被申请人, 双方的顾问可在听证会期间出席.

2. CCFPO或指定人员可以在听证会期间到场,提供行政支持, 比如物流, 笔记, 和记录.

3. 任何其他证人只有在其本人作证期间才可出席听证会.

4. General Counsel may be present during the Hearing to provide legal advice to the Hearing Officer regarding the Policy, 员工申诉程序, 及申诉聆讯程序. General Counsel will not represent either Party at the Hearing or provide legal advice regarding the merits of the Grievance on behalf of either Party, and the Hearing Officer will make a statement at the beginning of the Hearing to explain that General Counsel does not represent either Party.

C. 听证会不受法庭上适用的证据规则的约束, and the Hearing Officer may admit any evidence or testimony the Hearing Officer considers to be of value in determining whether 被申请人 is responsible for the allegations in the Grievance Form.

D. 录下聆讯

1. CCFPO或指定人员将安排听证会记录,费用由学院承担.

2. 任何其他个人不得对听证会的任何部分进行录音或者录像, 面试, 或会议.

3. 听证会主任将在记录中声明,通过参加听证会, 所有在场的人都被视为同意录音.

4. CCFPO或指定人员将保存听证会的记录, and Parties may be given access to the recording in accordance with the 员工申诉程序.

VI. 打开报表

A. 聆讯期间, 申诉人的 will be permitted to make an opening statement as to why 被申请人 should be found responsible for the allegations in the Grievance Form.

B. 然后, 被申请人 will be permitted to make an opening statement as to why 被申请人 should not be found responsible for the allegations in the Grievance Form.

C. 每个开场陈述不超过五(5)分钟, 除非听证官另有约定.

7. 案件陈述

A. 原告将通过作证来陈述原告的案件, 传唤证人, 和/或提交和讨论任何文件或证据.

B. The 被调查者 will be permitted to ask questions of 申诉人的 and any witness called by 申诉人的.

C. 然后, 被申请人将被允许通过作证来陈述被申请人的案件, 传唤证人, 和/或提交和讨论任何文件或证据.

D. The Grievant will be permitted to ask questions of 被申请人 and any witness called by 被申请人.

E. 聆讯主任 and Hearing Board members may ask questions of the Parties or any witness at any time.

F. If the Hearing Officer determines that any question is inappropriate or irrelevant to the allegations in the Grievance Form, 听证官可以指示当事人或者证人不要回答.

G. 原告和被申请人不得出示证人, 文档, 或在听证会前未披露的证据.

H. 聆讯主任 will permit all relevant witnesses and evidence disclosed prior to the Hearing; however, the Hearing Board may afford the testimony and evidence the amount of weight the Hearing Board deems appropriate.

I. 如果证人作证, 文档, 或证据远远超出申诉表格内的指控范围, 听证官可以指示申诉人, 被调查者, 或证人专注于申诉表格中的问题.

8. 关闭语句

A. 一旦双方都陈述了他们的案件, 申诉人的 will be permitted to make a closing statement as to why 被申请人 should be found responsible for the allegations in the Grievance Form and may propose a remedy or solution.

B. 然后, 被申请人 will be permitted to make a closing statement as to why 被申请人 should not be found responsible for the allegations in the Grievance Form and may oppose any remedies or solutions proposed by 申诉人的 and/or may suggest a different remedy or solution.

C. 每次总结陈述不超过5分钟, 除非听证官另有约定.

IX. 审议和决定

A. 结案陈词后, 聆讯主任将结束聆讯, 听证委员会将退席审议.

B. 在讨论, the Hearing Board may not discuss the information discussed at the Hearing with anyone who is not a member of the Hearing Board, 除了学院的总法律顾问办公室.

C. The Hearing Board will determine whether 申诉人的 has proven that a Prohibited Action occurred by a Preponderance of the Evidence and if so, 什么是适当的补救措施?, 根据申诉程序.

D. The Hearing Board will make its best efforts to reach a consensus among all of its members; however, 如果不能达成一致意见, 听证官可以召集投票,投票的多数票将决定结果.

E. 听证官必须在十五(15)个工作日内作出书面决定, 根据申诉程序.

程序名称: 雇员申诉听证程序

政策类别: 人力资源

政策的所有者: 总统

策略管理员: 人力资源执行董事

联系信息: 苏珊·波伊尔, slboyer1@hcbaskets.net, 410-777-2045

批准日期: 2023年10月23日

有效日期: 2023年10月25日

历史: N/A

适用于: 所有学院员工

相关政策: 员工申诉政策



相关法律: N/A