
Are you searching for a career where you can stretch your creative muscles, help organizations problem solve and create work both by hand and with technology?

Graphic design is a flexible field. You can work for a large design agency, 政府, a small nonprofit or run your own freelance business. You can do digital work or create work by hand. 在AACC, 你会喜欢小班授课, one-on-one time with faculty and state-of-the-art software, 硬件和实验室. You’ll develop a portfolio that can help you jump-start your career right now or prepare to transfer to a top design school.


AACC offers the following Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)学位. 的 state of Maryland refers to the A.A.S. as a career degree, because it's intended to provide you with skills to enter the workforce. 在某些情况下, AACC has entered into transfer agreements that allow these degrees to transfer to select colleges. A 现行协议一览表 可以在这个网站上找到吗. 您还可以了解更多关于 转移 from AACC to continue your education.

平面设计, 视觉艺术 Professional, A.A.S.

Cultivate the fundamental skills of graphic design, 包括图纸, 排版, 数码影像, 摄影, 页面设计与布局. You’ll gain valuable real-world experience through internships, service-learning projects and work with local organizations. Our faculty will help you polish your portfolio and achieve your goals. You’ll be ready to start a new career or get ahead in your current one. 这是一个.A.S. is not intended as a transfer degree, nor is it optimal for very recent high school graduates.



的 视觉艺术与人文 department is proud to offer the Associate of Arts (A.A.)视觉设计. 

Visual Design (Web and Graphic), 视觉艺术 Transfer, A.A.

You’ll gain a broad background in 摄影, design and the history of Western art, with the ability to take specialized courses in illustration, 排版, 颜色等等. You’ll build a foundational portfolio that you can display during our annual Student Art Portfolio, 当地哪里有20多家, regional and national schools come to meet and review the portfolios of our graphic design and visual arts students. When you finish, you’ll be well prepared to transfer to a four-year college or university. And our transfer students are better prepared and more apt to receive scholarship money than many of their four-year peers.



的 following certificate prepares students for employment and feeds into the A.A.S. 学位,如果需要的话.


You’ll gain a broad background in the fundamentals of design such as imaging, 摄影, 排版 and page layout and design. This certificate is for professionals already holding a degree who wish to make a career change or update their skills in the graphic design industry.



You can transfer to a four-year university, create your own freelance business or enter the workforce. Our graduates pursue a number of rewarding careers, such as:

  • 平面设计师
  • 图形专家
  • 教学设计者
  • 初级设计师
  • 媒体专家
  • 视觉设计师
  • 网页设计师

的y work at a variety of companies as well, 比如设计机构, 网络公司, 大公司, 政府实体, 非营利组织或小企业. 

Learn more about career opportunities, median salaries and job outlook for these programs by checking out AACC的职业教练:





Jennifer Schuster, assistant professor



Meet Assistant Professor Jennifer Schuster


Jennifer Schuster has been active in the design community for more than 20 years. Her personal work explores the concept of blog technology as a platform for the unspoken words we collect. 


Program Planner for 平面设计 A.A.S.

Program Planner for Graphic and Web Design A.A.